The Toa of Light

After Jaller was killed, Takua put the Kanohi Avohkii (Mask of Light) over his mask and was transformed into the Toa of Light.
                                                     Toa of Light
The new toa, Takanuva killed the Rakshi of fear as vengance for Jaller's death. He then descended into Makuta Teridax's cavern lair on a vehicle that would guide him to Teridax. Takanuva and Makuta fought each other with balls of energized protodermis as a simple game of kohlii. If Takanuva won the game he would be able to try to open the Gate to Metru Nui, but should he fail Makuta would take the Mask of Light for himself. Takanuva Eventually hit Teridax with a ball and Teridax was slammed against the Gate. Makuta arose again and said that his duty lied with the Mask of Shadows. That was when Takanuva jumped up and tried to pull the Kanohi Mask of shadows. As Makuta wrestled Takanuva to get him off they fell into a pool of energized protodermis, and morphed into one being, Takutanuva.

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