Matoran Recreation

There are two main sports that Matoran play in their free time, Kolhii and Akilini. There are also less well known sports such as Kewa Board Riding, Huai Snowball Sling, Ignalu, and the Great Ussal Race. The winners of these sports usually receive a Copper Mask of Victory

Akilini is the official sport of Metru Nui and was played on the constantly shifting ground of the Coliseum. Akilini is played with teams of three to six Matoran to see who could throw more disks into the scoring hoops. There is a special collection of chutes that are moved into place over the Coliseum and the players are allowed to use them in maneuvers. This game is very fast paced and such requires lots of speed and skill. Also, the physical nature of the sport leads to a lot of fouls.
The Rules for Akilini as stated in the Bionicle: Encyclopedia
  1. Akilini matches are played by between more than one, but less than four, teams
  2. An Akilini team consists of at least two, but not more than six, players.
  3. At least one player on each team must serve as a defender. A defender is forbidden to take shots and may only launch disks to deflect the shots of opponents. A maximum of two players may serve as defenders.
  4. At least one player on each team must be a launcher. If the team has more than two players, a maximum of four players may serve as launchers.
  5. One point is scored for every disk that passes cleanly through an opposing team's hoop. Disks that strike the hoop are not considered goals.
  6. Akilini tournament play ends when one team reaches twenty-one goals.
  7. Disks in play may be retrieved by any launcher or defender from the launching team but may not be recovered by opposing players.
  8. Disks that leave the playing field are considered to be open to all and may be retrieved by players from any team.
  9. Players must keep at least one foot on their transport disk at all times. Transport disks may not be launched. Launching disks may not be used for transport.
  10. Players who go more than one bio outside of the field of play on any side will be considered out of bounds. However, players may go as far above or below the field of play as they wish and still be considered in bounds.
  11. Players may not make physical contact with a defender at any time.
  12. Players may make physical contact with launchers, but only after their disk has been launched. Striking, tackling, or otherwise making physical contact with a launcher in the process of making a shot is considered "roughing the launcher" and will cost the offending team one launching disk.
  13. Players may not use disks from other Metru. For example, only Po-Matoran may use disks made in Po-Metru (This rule came into existence because players of other Metru often went to Hewkii, a Po-Matoran disk maker, to get Kanoka to play with since his were considered of the highest quality).

Kolhii is the main sport played on the island of Mata Nui. It is similar to soccer, except it is played with a stone ball called a comet. There are two players on each team, a goalie and an offensive player. There are 2 to 6 goals depending on how many teams there are. Kolhii is normally played with three goals and three teams. The Goal tender plays with a shield to block the comet if it comes toward his or her goal.
The Rules for Kolhii

                                                  1. Teams may include up to two players.
                                                  2. Teams may include any number of players less than two, but no team will have more players than any other team.
                                                  3. All teams agree to the number of goals needed for victory.
                                                  4. The first team to reach the agreed number of goals is the winner.
                                                  5. All goals are good goals provided they are not own goals (goals in your own net), as own goals are not goals.
                                                  6. Each team is allowed one defender who may carry a shield, but no other player may use that shield (other than in cases of 11th rule).
                                                  7. All players may carry one Kolhii Stick, and one only, but not the goal tender
                                                  8. Any number of Kolhii balls may be played, but balls in play must number less than either the number of teams, or the number of players per team, which ever is the smaller number.
                                                  9. Any player who strikes another player did not play well. Shield and staff strikes are excluded from this rule as those indicate the players are playing well.
                                                  10. Any player who does not play well brings dishonor to their village.
                                                  11. Any pitch invasion by Rahi, or other beasts, postpones the completion of the game until the problem is dealt with.
                                                  Huai Snowball Sling is a game played in Ko-Wahi that involves skating around on ice and throwing snowballs at one another. The game is usually played with four players. The snowballs stick to the players, and eventually if a player has been hit too many times he or she begins to roll across the ice as a giant snowball. 

                                                  Kewa Bird Riding is played by the Matoran of Le-Koro. The Matoran ride on small Kewa birds and are armed with a Volo Lutu launcher and a small supply of Madu fruit. The object of the game is to score as many hits as possible on the opposing player until you run out of fruit.

                                                  Ignalu is a lava surfing game played in Ta-Koro on boards of hardened protodermis.

                                                  The Great Ussal Race is played by Matoran from all over Mata Nui and Metru Nui. Each Matoran rides his or her Ussal Crab and tries to be the first to reach the end.

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