Legendary Masks

There are three legendary masks in existence. They are the Vahi (Mask of Time), the Ignika (Mask of Life), and the Mask of Creation. All of these masks, being made by the great beings can not be recreated by a matoran. The Mask of Time was forged by Toa Vakama after he combined all six of the great Kanoka Disks.


        Vahi (mask of time)                                                          Ignika (mask of life)

                                                  No Image
The Mask of Creation

After the Mask of Creation was forged by the Great Beings. The two brothers Artahka and Karzahni fought over the Mask of Creation and Artahka won the right to wear the mask. The mask of creation allowed Artahka to build whatever he wished. No one knows what the actual Mask of Creation looks like, but it is supposedly one of the most ornate and intricately designed masks in existence.

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