
Takutanuva was the being that was formed when Takanuva and Makuta Teridax fell into the pool of energized protodermis....

When Takutanuva was formed his first words were "Light has revealed the will of Mata Nui, our brother must be awakened." He then lifted the gate to the island of Metru Nui. As the matoran, toa, and turaga were running through the gate he told Hahli, who was carrying Jaller's mask, to stop. Then Takutanuva said "That mask needs life", and by using up some of his life force he brought Jaller back to life. But by using up some of his life force he was no longer able to hold up the gate and he was crushed.  When Takutanuva was crushed Takanuva's life force was absorbed into the Mask of Light and sent to the side of the gate that the Toa, Turaga, and Matoran were on. Then when Turaga Vakama placed Hahli as Unity, Jaller as Duty, and he put the Mask of Light as Destiny. That is when Takanuva was remade.

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